Monday, November 24, 2014

How do I collect my Child Support?

If the father will not admit to paternity the court will establish that he is the father. A child support order can then be entered and the child support agency can begin collecting and enforcing the child support order.

If you need information about Child Support Enforcement in your state you can find it here State Child Support Enforcement Agencies.

1.  Establish Paternity
If you were not married when your child was born, the first step is to legally determine the father of the child.  Either parent can request a blood test to establish paternity.

2.  Get a Child Support Order

All states have official child support guidelines. The guidelines are used to calculate how much a parent should contribute to financially support his or her child.

3.  Enforce the Child Support Order
The most successful way to collect child support is by income withholding from the non-custodial parent's employer. Child support orders require the employer to withhold the money that is ordered for child support, and send it to the state child support office

4Finding the Absent Parent
When a parent's whereabouts are not known, it is usually possible for the child   support office to find him or her with the help of state agencies, such as the Department of Motor Vehicles, or the Federal Parent Locator Service.

5.  How do I enforce the Child Support Order?
       Withhold income
·        Deny Passports
·        Intercept federal payments
·        Set liens on property
·        Withhold tax refunds
·        Report child support debts to credit bureaus
·        Suspend or revoke drivers, professional, occupational, and recreational licenses

6.  How and where do I apply?

7.  What can I do if the State cannot Collect my court ordered Child Support?
There are private Child Support Collection Agencies in the Child Support Network who can collect for you if the state cannot collect your Child Support for you.  

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